Tracer Study


Mr./Ms./ Alumni majoring in citizenship and Law Education

In order to develop the Department of PKnH FIS UNY, we are the management of PKnH Prodi intend to conduct a survey of Graduate performance (Tracer Study). For that we ask Mr/Ms/ Alumni to fill out this Tracer Study form, as an effort to develop PKnH FIS UNY. Participation from Mr/Ms/ Alumni, we hope that the achievement of the development of PKnH FIS UNY better.

Formula Tracer Study Prodi PKnH For Alumni

For almuni who has a superior, please kindly submit the form below to him.

So, for the attention and cooperation of Mr. / Mrs. / Alumni, we would like to thank you profusely.


Head of PKnH FIS UNY Department


Dr. Sunarso, M.Si.
NIP. 19600521 198702 1 004


NB :

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