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Students are part of a scientific community that has a tradition of logical thinking, hypotheses (not absolute single truths), and empirical (data-based) they are also future leaders of the nation, therefore students must prepare themselves like an ideal leader who has intellectual abilities, the ability to communicate and motivate, as well as being able to be role models and role models, besides that they also have the right to express their aspirations and criticisms, because what will happen in the future is determined from today.
Good criticism is criticism accompanied by alternatives, not just blaming but also providing solutions. There is a proverb in the logic “Only people who know the truth have the right to blame. People who don’t know what’s right have no right to blame”. Delivering criticism must also be based on valid data, not based on personal or personal opinions.
Criticism by means of labeling an individual character can lead to multiple interpretations. It would be better if the criticism was conveyed by submitting data and facts that would be more neutral and accountable. We cannot deny that the role of the student movement is extraordinary from time to time, there are various achievements that have been achieved by the student class that need to be followed to be an inspiration for us all.
Even though our country already has a system of checks and balances between state institutions, there are still gaps or possibilities where institutions work together to cover up their respective mistakes. Therefore, the state has also prepared a stronger control system, namely people control by giving the general public the right, including students, to submit criticism and suggestions for the political elite.
Problems occur when the current student movement is judged not to be strong, not structural, and fragmented. It can be seen from a number of dropout threats sent to students who are diligent in criticizing the government. In addition, citing the opinion of Prof. Sulistyowati Irianto that the campus situation is not conducive with the existence of academics who serve the authorities. As a result, academics become lazy and opportunistic only think about positions, salaries, and do not hesitate to take inappropriate actions.
Therefore, students need to prioritize movement and strengthen the student movement network in order to create new alternatives. Students must be able to encourage cultural movements (creative minority) like the Budi Utomo organization which is a literacy, discussion, non-confrontational movement but instead becomes a turning point for a national awakening that has long experienced colonialism and imperialism.
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