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On Friday-Sunday, 03-05 September 2021, three student delegations from the Citizenship and Law Education Study Program (PKnH) Yogyakarta State University, Arif Surya Volta (2019), Muhammad Tegar Hibatullah (2019), and Afika Nur Laila (2020) who have participated in the VIII PPKn National Student Association Congress which took place in the midst of a pandemic and the congress was held online through the Zoom Meeting platform which was attended by representatives of PPKn students from various universities in Indonesia.
This year’s VIII National Himnas congress carries the theme “ Create the Synergy of PPKn Students throughout Indonesia as the Creative, Innovative, and High Fighting Nation Pillars” , it is hoped that each delegate who takes part in the activity will become an active student figure who plays a role in nation building. The 2021 PPKn Himnas Congress which took place for three consecutive days was attended by representatives of approximately 44 universities, both public and private . Jakarta State University is the host of this year’s Congress.
On the first day of the congress activities, it was filled with discussions on the implementation of the VIII Himnas PPKn Congress which was then continued with the discussion of the final report for the period of the Himnas central management body in 2018-2020 which contained the 2018 Himnas Vision-Mission, the management structure, to the work program. And these activities, followed by an evaluation of the work programs that have not been implemented until the work programs that have been carried out well are aimed at making the National PPKn Himnas better in the future.
On the second day, the congress activities continued with discussions among delegates discussing the selection and determination of the presidium of the session, discussion of the congress rules and regulations, and the formation of a commission. In the discussion and formation of the commission, it is divided into three commissions, namely Commission A which discusses AD/ART, Commission B which discusses GBHK, and Commission C which discusses recommendations. Previously, we from the delegation had sent files containing the AD-ART, GBHK, and the results of the recommendations for the 2018-2020 National Himnas activity program. On this second day, we delegates were divided into 3 rooms which then discussed about their respective commissions. In the commission’s discussion activities, our delegation from Yogyakarta State University got a place in commission 3, where the discussion regarding the results of the work program recommendations that will be carried out in the management of the National Himnas in 2021-2023. Next was the Plenary III activity with a thorough discussion of the A, B, C Commission Sessions by all the delegates who attended the VIII National PPKn Himnas Congress. In the implementation of the plenary session which was quite heated, there were many arguments and mutually reinforcing opinions in an effort to improve AD-ART, GBHK, and the results of the work program recommendations from the PPKn Himnas.
The last day of the VIII PPKn Himnas Congress was filled with discussing the criteria for the new period PPKn Himnas General Chair candidate, testing the criteria for the General Chair candidate, debating the arguments of the delegates in welcoming the management of the PPKn Himnas throughout Indonesia, the debate was fierce and heated even though it was online. Then the next activity is the submission of the candidate for chairman and the vision and mission of the candidate for general chairman, and the last one is the election of the General Chairperson of the PPKn Himnas for the period 2021-2023.
The view of Arif Surya Volta (2019) as one of the delegates from the Yogyakarta State University who was active in the discussion forum regarding this activity that the 2021 PPKn Himnas Congress, is not just an official formal agenda, but more than that we are all PPKn students throughout Indonesia, candidates for the successor of the Nation, agents of change, gather, unite, discuss and have dynamics, for the realization of a better National PPKn. The Covid-19 pandemic has not discouraged all of us to remain enthusiastic and rhetorical, through virtual media. Hopefully in the next opportunity all of us delegates of the 2021 PPKn Himnas Congress can be reunited in a forum to strengthen friendship and intimacy.
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