
Training Mini Library Laboratory of Civic Education and Law UNY

Training mini library Laboratory PKnH is training for administrators of the Laboratory PKnH UNY to manage the collection of books owned by the Laboratory of PKnH UNY, in the form of inputing, labeling, and shelving.


Meeting Of The Deliberation And Determination Of The Deputy Chairman And Head Of The Laboratory Of PKnH

Laboratory of Civic Education and Law UNY has conducted internal meetings with the agenda of the deliberation and determination of the composition of the chief executive, the head, and the members in each of the fields in the period 2020-2021. Internal meeting was held on Wednesday, December 02, 2020 in two places face-to-face limited and virtual.

Meeting Presentation Description And Program Of Laboratory Work PKnH

Laboratory of Civic Education and Law UNY has conducted internal meetings with the agenda of the presentation of the description and the work program for the period of the management of the laboratory. The meeting was held on Thursday, December 17, 2020 in the virtual through Googlemeet and was attended by the entire Board of the Laboratory PKNH UNY.


Laboratory of Civic Education and Law UNY has conducted Internal Discussions of the Fourth with the theme of the discussion, namely, the Controversy of the Loss of the Phrase Religion in the Draft Road Map of Indonesian Education. Internal discussions the fourth was held on Monday, March 15, 2021 through the space virtual Googlemeet.


Laboratory of Civic Education and Law UNY has conducted Internal Discussions of the Third with the theme of the discussion, namely, the Conflict of the Dualism of the Democratic Party as the Political Dynamics of the Nation. Internal discussions of such third was held on Monday, March 08, 2021 through the space virtual Googlemeet.


Laboratory of Civic Education and Law UNY has conducted Internal Discussions Both with the theme of the discussion, namely, the Policy of Campus Teach – Campus Independent by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesian. Internal discussions the second was held on February 22, 2021 through the space virtual Googlemeet.


Laboratory of Civic Education and Law UNY has conducted Internal Discussions First with the theme of the discussion, namely, Learning In the Network and its Influence on the Quality of National Education. Internal discussions the first was held on Friday, December 18, 2020 through the space virtual Googlemeet.