Laboratory of Civic Education and Law Profile's


General Description

Laboratory of Civic Education and Law Faculty of Social Sciences, Yogyakarta State University Fixed is one of the supporting facilities for the academic community of the Department of Civic Education and Law as a means to develop the skills of deliberation, the ability to think, add insight, and looking for inspiration related sciences that are relevant to the clump of the Department of Civic Education and Law. Laboratory PKnH facilitate student discussion room, which features a wide collection of books clumps of social science that can be read and borrowed by visitors to the laboratory. This room is used as a place to exchange ideas, discuss, discussion, and the meeting of the working program will be implemented by a variety of field management PKnH’s Laboratory.

Laboratory of Civic Education and Law also comes with a collection of the results of the research-student research, instructional Media of PPKn schooling, a computer and internet laboratory. So that the Laboratory PKnH be a place of comfort and suitable for use by both students and lecturers to perform various activities such as studying, working on the task, and so forth.

The presence of the Laboratory of Civic Education and Law, the Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Fixed as a space inclusive and tolerant that upholds Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 (UUD 1945). We hope to give a contribution and usefulness that can be felt all civitas akademica Yogyakarta State University general and the Department of Civic Education and Law in particular.

With all my love, see you in the Lab PKnH !


The creation of innovative Pknh laboratories as a means of development of knowledge, research, and devotion to society.


  1. Provide laboratory services to students, lecture, partners, and the community optimally.
  2. To expand the field of Citizenship Education, covering the study of education, morality, politics, and law.
  3. To conduct quality research in the field of Citizenship Education, covering the areas of education, morality, politics, and law.
  4. Provide services to the community within the framework of the development of scholarship.
  5. Develop networking and encourage innovative policies within the framework of the development of scholarship.

Lab Functions

The main function of Civic Education and Law’s Laboratory is as a place to do the development of knowledge, practice, research, devotion to the community in the field of Citizenship Education covering education, morality, politics, and law.
