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Final Project (TA) is one of the compulsory courses for students in all study programs at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) for diploma (D3), undergraduate (S1), master (S2), and doctoral (S3) programs. TA is a scientific work as a result of research or scientific studies carried out by students as one of the requirements for completing their studies. The preparation of TA is carried out independently by students under the guidance of the TA supervisor who is determined by the Decree of the Dean or Director of the Postgraduate Program (PPs).
To run effectively, guidelines for TA preparation are needed for students, supervisors, examiners, study programs, departments, faculties/PPs, and related parties. This guide is prepared to expedite and facilitate students in completing the TA and other parties involved in accordance with their respective duties and functions.
TA is one of the compulsory courses for all UNY students as one of the requirements in completing studies to obtain Associate Expert, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees.
The final project for students of the diploma program is in the form of a Final Project (PA). The final project can be as follows:
- Layout or design that can be in the form of product layout/design as part of a complex system or can also be in the form of a layout/design of a product or tool with high usability based on problems that occur in society, the business/industrial world.
- Products that are in accordance with the study program are taken by students in the form of goods and service Goods include equipment, construction,
- materials, food, clothing, prototypes/models, system software, works of art, and other monumental work Services can be in the form of system repair, maintenance, or service.
Evaluation and test that can be conducted to prove the concept or test the products or components.
The final project for undergraduate students is in the form of a Thesis Final Project (TAS) or Non-Thesis Final Project (TABS).
- TAS is a student's scientific writing that reflects his ability to carry out scientific thinking processes and patterns through research activit
- TABS is a student's scientific writing that reflects the ability to carry out processes and patterns of scientific thinking through study or engineering activitie The TABS includes the following.
- Scientific paper, a student's scientific writing as policy review results; theoretical study of a problem; analysis of a product, technology, or artistic work that emphasizes the ability to critically examine or find innovative ideas based on mastery of the material in a particular study progr
- Technological design works, scientific products of students in making discoveries, developments, applications, or improvements of applied and practical science and technology; the work can be in the form of a prototype or a design accompanied by a scientific description of the work.
- Artwork Final Project (TAKS), a student's scientific writing that reflects the ability to carry out processes and patterns of thinking through scientific research, studies, or works in the field of art.
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